Estate planning is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It is important to have an attorney who will focus on the estate planning tools and documents which will work best for your specific income and assets as well as consider the personalities of the people in your life. At Agnini Law, it is a huge priority that our clients not only understand which tools are best for them, but also why. 

  • Revocable Living Trusts - A Revocable Living Trust is a document that is similar to a Will in function, but it can help avoid probate costs and fees. It is a popular tool for helping families to direct who and what is involved in their estate without the intrusion of the court system or compounded legal fees. A Revocable Trust can be modified throughout your lifetime to fit changing circumstances.

  • Last Wills and Testaments - A document which directs where an individual’s assets and property are transferred at their death. It also specifies who is the Personal Representative (also known as an executor) of the estate to handle the affairs. Wills can be considered “Simple Wills” or they can be more complex if the situation requires. In addition, a Will can name a guardian of a minor child should something happen to that child’s parents. 

  • Modifying Existing Estate Plans - It is extremely important to update your estate plan as your life changes. Life changes whether we want it to or not. Many times it becomes necessary to change a named personal representative, add a beneficiary, or remove someone from your documents completely. The laws also change over the years. Legal documents can become out of date and ineffective in the goals they were initially set out to accomplish. Reviewing past documents and modifying them to fit today’s laws and your current stage in life is a big part of estate planning. 

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