Many people do not like to think about a time when they can not competently make their own decisions. You do not want to wait until a health scare, an accident, or another crisis situation like a pandemic occurs to figure out who will take care of you in a time of need. Having your advanced directives in place removes a large amount of stress from your family in an emergency situation. Call Agnini Law today so that we can establish the following important legal documents for you:

  • Durable Power of Attorney - This document appoints someone to make financial decisions on your behalf. This includes making sure your bills continue to get paid should you end up in the hospital for an extended period of time. It is extremely important to have a Durable Power of Attorney document to protect your finances from being mishandled.

  • Health Care Proxy/Surrogate - This document appoints someone to make medical decisions on your behalf. With rising concerns over HIPAA and privacy laws, you need to make sure that your family members can legally receive private medical information and speak to your doctors. You might think that a doctor or hospital will speak with your family or friends about your condition, but without the proper legal documentation, they do not have to.

  • Living Will - This document specifies your wishes on end of life decisions. It is extremely important for your family members to know what you want for this most important of decisions.

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